Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PTA - September Mtg. 2010-2011 Sept. 9,2010

Leland O. Mills Elementary
PTA - September Mtg. 2010-2011
Sept. 9,2010
Mtg. called to order: Heidi Gibbs (VP) at 2:00
Attendance: See attached attendance log.
President Nominations: Judy Searles nominated Lisa Tull, no other nominations, vote
unanimous in approval of nomination. (Former president moved).
Budget Approval: See attached budget. 1st motion Katrina Redd, 2nd Judy Searles,
Principal's Report: Veronica Smith- Volunteer apps were distributed, all volunteers
working in the school must have one, also available in the office; Volunteer schedule for
library helpers was also distributed (Mrs. Edwards, librarian, is in the process of changing
the book logging system to a new program); PTA membership forms are still available;
New program to begin this fall-Love and Logic Classes, info to come home soon.
Board Reports:
    Pres.: Lisa Tull- glad to take her new office!
    VP: Heidi Gibbs- Pumpkin Festival news; Date: Saturday, October 16, ll AM-3
PM; Needed: committee chairs, food items for snack stand, silent auction items,
craft booth vendors; Class pumpkins for silent auction needed by Friday Oct. 15;
Festival Mtg. next Tues, Sept. 14, 2:00 at the Heritage Bldg.
    Tres.-Mercedes Cooper- 2010-2011 Budget distributed.
    Sec.-Shelly Herst-reviewed summer minutes from officer mtg.
Committee/Chairmen Reports:
Membership: Katrina Redd-ll0 memberships, goal=175, Baxter, Groos, Reeves,
Dover, and Adams classes still need room-moms.
Spirit Sales: Judy Searles- Old spirit wear is retired; New will be ordered today,
Includes two shirt designs and a cinch sack; New merchandise will be available
for homecoming parade(Sept. 24) in front of Summer USA; Special order forms
to go home 1st week of October; Lisa Tull suggested $2500 budget for spirit wear
purchase, Katrina R motioned, Heidi G 2nd, approved.
Box Tops: Shelli Jones (not present)- Collected each qtr; 1st collection due date Oct
8th, Homeroom mom responsible for collection, group box tops by 50, leave
in PTA mailbox in school office.
Special DaylEvents: Sheryl Evans- agreed to take this committee.
Used Book Fair: Mercedes Cooper-books collected Dec-Jan, fair last week ofJan.
GrantslBonds: Needs a chairman.
Beautification: Sally McClelland- will get new concrete planters and mums for
Theme Days: Mrs. Smith has Connie Wyrick, 2009-10 enrichment teacher,
scheduled to organize these days for the school and she will bring her high school
science students to help also.
Teacher Appreciation: Shelly Herst, Heidi Gibbs, Sheryl Evans
PTA Bulletin Board: Melissa McCloughlin will keep the board updated for box
top points, students and teachers will be able to watch their progress.
New Business:
Theme Day: September 17, Habitats
AR Incentives: 2nd Grade needs cookie decorating items for 1st qtr, it was
suggested by Angela Kochner that 2nd grade teachers request donations from their
parents, several others concurred.
Early Dismissal: Wed, Sept. 22, noon
Picture Day: Thurs, Sept. 23, morning, 6 volunteers were procured.
Homecoming: Sept 24, Fri, 4 PMParade
Upcoming Events:
October Theme Day: Oct. 28, Jungle, Halloween Dress-Up Day will follow this
Christmas Bazaar: Dec. 4, 9 AM-3PM, at the high school, info presented by
Heidi Gibbs for Meredith Stith, Project Graduation is staffing the kitchen and
may be willing to organize this successful event starting next year, Meredith is
needing suggestions for improving attendance and other suggestions for groups
that may want to take over this event. Meredith can be reached at
t2mj@charter.net. This bazaar provides scholarship money.
Reading Night: Willy Wonka Reading Night is planned for Oct.5th and 7th, K-2 participate, students receive a free book after going through the fun activities, a local actor will play Willy Wonka at a cost of $100, Mercedes 1st motioned, Heidi 2nd, approved for PTAto pay this cost.
Next PTA Mtg: Thurs, Oct. 14th, 2 PM, Heritage Bldg.
Mtg. Adjourned: 2:55 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Come Enjoy a Patch of Family Fun
At the Annual PTA
Pumpkin Festival
Saturday, October 16th
Mills Lower Elementary
Located on Bagnell Dam Boulevard
Family Fun Includes:
Game Booths  & Petting Zoo
Pumpkin & Face Painting
Bake Sale & Concessions
Silent Auction & Craft Booths
Osage Spirit Wear Booth